It's been a very productive start to 2023 with lots of making including 8 cylinder wave vases, a bisque and a stoneware firing both went well with 30 mugs, 6 posy pots and 2 large bulb vases which I hope to have loaded to the shop very soon.
The bisque firing was of some new little lidded pots that will be Raku fired ready for the new season down here in Devon and will be available in 'Exmoor Uncommon' a fantastic little outlet in Lynmouth that already stock a fantastic range of my work. My last making for a few days has been some 'coiled' vases as illustrated, I'm taking a few days out of the studio to update my websites and load image to ETSY, not one of my favourite jobs but it has to be done. We (Louise my wife and I) are on tender hooks at the moment as my daughter is expecting - which is are first grandchild - so exited!
My latest coiled vases, these will be stoneware glazed

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